Sensel Telematics Online Tracking

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Contact Information

Phone Number+91-7676100900, +91-80-41693607
Email Address[email protected]
Company Location#113/1, 3rd Floor,B Block, SRIT House, Kundanahalli, ITPL MainRoad, Bangalore – 560 037
Official Link
Also TrackSeenu Transport Logistics Tracking

Sensel Telematics Pvt Ltd

With a presence throughout India, Sensel has built a strong network of sales, service support, and dealers. The firm focuses on creating products that are dependable, safe, and feature-rich, meeting the highest requirements. Their dedication to delivering exceptional performance ensures that consumers see big returns on their investments. It also values excellent customer service, ensuring that clients enjoy a smooth experience. 

The fleet-SMART solution offers dependable telematics services at low pricing, as well as top-tier features. Fuel monitoring, tracking precision, and dual-server redundancy improve the overall performance of the solution. The solution includes a TRUE hands-free voice capability, which promotes seamless conversation. Sensel’s VTX solution enables customers to customize their system with a variety of peripherals, including as immobilizers and RFID readers.